MrShooter > After 9.0 standing with the agents they start to say thins like "OHMYGOD ITS YOU! Fortune has smiled upon me! Please take a seat and this giftbox and these brownies I baked and if there is anything you need me to do just ask and I will launch the Navy F...
Merydiana > Hehehe. It's nice to be loved. ^_^
suoidet ahcrin > a love wich would vanish in an instant if you did ONE little thing wrong
MrShooter > "What? FAILED to kill that guristas ship!? How could you!? I thought I KNEW YOU! I...I can't even look at you. GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" *agent sets standing to -1.0*
Merydiana > Hehehe. It's nice to be loved. ^_^
suoidet ahcrin > a love wich would vanish in an instant if you did ONE little thing wrong
MrShooter > "What? FAILED to kill that guristas ship!? How could you!? I thought I KNEW YOU! I...I can't even look at you. GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" *agent sets standing to -1.0*