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Ortos > shield or armor tank for my mission-machariel? can't decide...both are viable options, it seems
TrouserDeagle > Do both :)
Ortos > both, right...
Olixia Castitatis > Why not passive shield tank your midslots while armor tanking your low slots?
Olixia Castitatis > put a couple of WCS in just incase pirates catch you, too.
TrouserDeagle > Micro smartbomb for taking down pirate inties?
Olixia Castitatis > how about a capacitor flux coil to increase the availabilty of cap for your guns?
TrouserDeagle > Ooh.
TrouserDeagle > Machariel could do with some more hull, tbh. Reinforced bulkhead?
Olixia Castitatis > put a laser on their as well to maximize your EM damage output
Ortos > /emote sighs
Ortos > mission-machariel. mission. high sec. mission. high sec. what pirates?
TrouserDeagle > They can get you anywhere, Ortos.
TrouserDeagle > You'll be wanting a blaster and a railgun too, in case you get enemies at either range extreme.
Ortos > -.-
Olixia Castitatis > yeah, be prepared to fight at both 100km and 10km
Olixia Castitatis > I would use iron in your blasters though - 2km is loads too close to the enemy.
TrouserDeagle > Rest of the highs should be tractor beams.
Olixia Castitatis > use a couple of high slots for defender missle launchers.
Olixia Castitatis > To keep away enemy missles.
Ortos > /emote sighs
Ortos > thanks for the help... :O
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