Individual Quote Control Panel
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Khaldorn Murino > and ehti, u owe me some money for those drugs, thats some good sh*t
Ethidium Bromide > i like holopron:)
Frosty > hah
Manfred Doomhammer > hehe. nownow.. ist the first dose free?
Frosty > that was the worst drugs ive ever taken no damn effect akk =)
Khaldorn Murino > of course, to get you hooked ;)
Frosty > all*
Ethidium Bromide > gimme more of that shit khal!
Manfred Doomhammer > see.. you want returning... 'customers' after all
Ethidium Bromide > now!!!!
Ethidium Bromide > pls!
Khaldorn Murino > /emote backs away
Ethidium Bromide > i'll pay you whatever you ask)
Manfred Doomhammer > just be caureful when the customers show up with battheships
Manfred Doomhammer > /emote saves the chatlog
Frosty > hehe¨
Ethidium Bromide > chatlogs are autosaved :P
Ethidium Bromide > noob:)
Khaldorn Murino > its all part of my master plan to get you all hooked to my good stuff, and then get you give me slaves for drugs, and then MY PEOLE WILL BE FREE MUWHAHAHAAHAH
Gotchy > /emote delets himself
Gotchy > wahh
Manfred Doomhammer > dont like to search for it... got lot of junk logs in the folder allready
Manfred Doomhammer > wrong button gotchy
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