Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
Azuse > my life just got better :)
Jheroloy Ayryon > WHy?
Azuse > im in a system with one gate
Jheroloy Ayryon > lol
Azuse > and 18 hostile cruisers just logged off outside
Agustus Caesar > lol
Jheroloy Ayryon > Give'em hell...
Azuse > /emote starts writing his will
Jheroloy Ayryon > /emote wants the golden pocket watch!
Azuse > /emote start scoring jheroloy off the list..
Jheroloy Ayryon > D'oh...
Azuse > >:D
Jheroloy Ayryon > /emote is injecting laxative into Azuse's pod ectoplasm
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