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Flashover > fools on the forums are trying to get DEVs to give us corpse luanchers for xmas
Spawny > ohh what the hell gimme 10 more tickets ^^
Omega87 > /emote sighs
Omega87 > why?
RozKoz > ehh - prolly something new :P snowman TITAN :P
Omega87 > nah, Christmas light rigs
Omega87 > o/
DJTaxiGirl > lol
Heliocon > lol
RozKoz > yaa - LIGH RIGS ftw
Spawny > lmao!
Warforged Titan > I think im going to start an EGA group on eve..... Eve Gambers Anon. :)
Omega87 > they could be used for PVP, to blind foes, or cause siezures
Heliocon > hahaha
Spawny > LOL
Omega87 > it could work
RozKoz > 5% chance of fuse failure and ur ship goes dark :P
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