Ikar Kaltin > mining? ewwww....does it hurt?
Evanda Char > Only the first time
Ikar Kaltin > do you get to get to enjoy it after the first time?
Evanda Char > Depends on the size of the roids
Evanda Char > It's kinda frustrating if they pop when you're just getting started
Ikar Kaltin > is bigger better or can you get enjoyment out of any size?
Evanda Char > Technically, you could get some satisfaction out of any roid, but the truth is the really big ones are sooooo much more worth the effort.
Evanda Char > Only the first time
Ikar Kaltin > do you get to get to enjoy it after the first time?
Evanda Char > Depends on the size of the roids
Evanda Char > It's kinda frustrating if they pop when you're just getting started
Ikar Kaltin > is bigger better or can you get enjoyment out of any size?
Evanda Char > Technically, you could get some satisfaction out of any roid, but the truth is the really big ones are sooooo much more worth the effort.