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Taunnhauser > Korith you the CEO of your Corp?
Korith Eisel > yes, no, sort of
Korith Eisel > *shifty eyes* why , whos lookin for him?
Taunnhauser > well not the Lone Range or Tonto, so your safe :)
Korith Eisel > heh the lone ranger is my friend, Tonto on the other hand,,,, there was this buisness with his sister a long time ago,,, *scratches his head sheepishly*
Taunnhauser > <looks astonished> You messed around with Tontos sisters sheep? <gasp>
snurregrekk > business? lol
snurregrekk > u mean.. like u paid afterwards? :D
Korith Eisel > no,,, well not like youd think
snurregrekk > right
Korith Eisel > *sigh*
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