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<awox> how many times you log off in combat today xRazoRx?
<xRazoRx> none
<xRazoRx> i wasnt in combat today
<awox> :D
<awox> lol
<awox> there's a guy called ONCE_UPON_A_TIME in this game
<awox> and he always says ONCE UPON A TIME at the end of the game
<xRazoRx> :0
<xRazoRx> once upon a time
<xRazoRx> there lived awox
<xRazoRx> and he called every russian a logoffing ebaying bitch
<xRazoRx> so they never loved him and he was podded first when his gang met a russian one
<xRazoRx> the end.
<awox> :(
<awox> it's sad because it's true mostly
<awox> such injustice
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