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<Merdekka> if you want to pick up chicks, you need a deimos
<gota> only the sacrilege has those HUGE boosters
<Merdekka> compensating for something?
<gota> ok, i shouldn't have used that argument
<Mitchman> and the deimos does not?
<Merdekka> the deimos may have a vaguely phallic shape, but it doesn't have any ridiculous add-ons
<gota> what have they added on the eagle model ?
<gota> rotating dildos ?
<gota> a la harpy ?
<Merdekka> eagle has no additions
<gota> wtf
<gota> ripoff
<Merdekka> cerberus doesn't either
<Mitchman> it has flashing lights
<gota> caldaris were shafted tbh
<gota> they only have the camo thing ?
<Merdekka> and those aren't dildos, they're whisks. They show your potential partner your willingness to help out in the kitchen
<Merdekka> as long as they let you manoevre 1,000,000kg of spaceship into the kitchen that is
<gota> so caldaris are metrosexual ?
<Merdekka> whoa no
<gota> well
<Merdekka> they only help out in the kitchen if you're allowed to bring a huge spaceship into the kitchen
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