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Azia Burgi > it might be the sexiest thing on the planet but if it takes a degree to figure out how to put it on i really cba
Kyp13 > i agree with that too
Kyp13 > that's why they have dressing rooms
Kyp13 > if a guy can figure out how to put it on a woman can no problem
Azia Burgi > /emote blinks a few times
Azia Burgi > did kyp just say what i think he said?
suoidet ahcrin > if a guy takes them for a test run there is something there that needs examining
Devlin Fox > lol
Kyp13 > hey, i've gone into women's dressing rooms in the mall and tried on women's clothes before.....granted they were for a friend and i was with a group of girls that wanted to know how it would fit her, and i was the only one with her waist size in the gro
Kyp13 > group...
Azia Burgi > ....
Devlin Fox > okay.........
Azia Burgi > you realise i have omgrawr open on "add quote" right?
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