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Merii Kha'sen > I want a MUD eve XD
Merii Kha'sen > text over SSL or 80 :P
WCPistolPete > with the change of seasons here work should slow down, so I might be able to get to the ei-fi long enough to switch skills while at work...
Merii Kha'sen > would be amusing as all hell
Kromaatikse Alain > > LOOK
WCPistolPete > ?
Kromaatikse Alain > You are at the gate to Jita. You see a large swarm of CONCORD drones
Merii Kha'sen > yes
Merii Kha'sen > you see (12 lines of players)
Kromaatikse Alain > > JUMP TO JITA
Merii Kha'sen > WARP TO 4 4
Merii Kha'sen > Please hold.
Merii Kha'sen > You have disconnected.
Merii Kha'sen > Logging in
Merii Kha'sen > Please hold.
Merii Kha'sen > You have disconnected.
Kromaatikse Alain > You are in a maze of twisty warp tunnels, all alike
Merii Kha'sen > actually
Merii Kha'sen > I played a MUD for 4 years
Merii Kha'sen > great game
WCPistolPete > sounds like a bad phone conversation :p
Merii Kha'sen > eve doesn't lend itself well to MUDs tho
Kromaatikse Alain > > F1 F2 F3 F4
Kromaatikse Alain > The tackler drone hits! You feel confused...
Rooker > You jump through the gate, there are 600 goonies on the other side
WCPistolPete > 9 jumps left...
Merii Kha'sen > S: 0/5469 A: 5200/7969 H: 7453/7453 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL HN HCI WE WS LAR DC AHT AHK AHE-
Merii Kha'sen > that would be the prompt for my geddon
Merii Kha'sen > oh wait
Rooker > not one of them thought to fit a scrambler, so you LOL to the next gate
Merii Kha'sen > forgot the speed and cap tho
Merii Kha'sen > the prompt would be a full line XD
WCPistolPete > lol
Merii Kha'sen > but yeah
Merii Kha'sen > I come from Achaea
Merii Kha'sen > so the prompt there looks like this
Merii Kha'sen > 3620h, 3620m, 15200e, 15200w cexdbk@-
Merii Kha'sen > so I'm used to reading prompts fast :P
WCPistolPete > man that's like ega trek :p
Kromaatikse Alain > no I think the MUD style would go better with the ambulation
Kromaatikse Alain > ENTER HANGAR
Kromaatikse Alain > You see what appears to be a very large pile of scrap metal and other junk
Kromaatikse Alain > EXAMINE JUNK
Kromaatikse Alain > Actually, it's a MInmatar ship
Merii Kha'sen > An angry slaver hound rises from the junk.
Merii Kha'sen > or that.
Merii Kha'sen > better joke :D
Rooker > tbh, I'm betting it's not 20 minutes after the patch that the first "zomg I gave her isk for cyberz and got scammed >,<" post on eve-o
Rooker > the ambulation patch*
Merii Kha'sen > 20 min?
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