Individual Quote Control Panel
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LilTeapot > Narf I want a gyro
adrake > i want sushi and sake and then thai
Flesh Trader > i want a poney with low morals
LilTeapot > Just as long as the wife is ok with that :P
Flesh Trader > hey hon... its just a poney, remember
LilTeapot > remember pony age of consent is 1 :P
Flesh Trader > lol!
adrake > hehe
Flesh Trader > gimme a poney with low self-esteem any day o the week
adrake > mmmmm donkey/poney show
LilTeapot > FT can I live on your couch, drakes scaring me
Flesh Trader > but where do u slip the $20
adrake > movies dude. its all in the movies
adrake > donkey thong?
Flesh Trader > LOL
Flesh Trader > now THERES a gaming concept n a half!
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