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Sir Kerry > well i ran enough to get 2 storylines for lev 3 and didnt get a +7 inplant offer
Shadow XII > Keep runnin 'em
Sir Kerry > really
Kyrall > you were expecting a +7 offer???
Shadow XII > I got one :D
Shadow XII > Post-patch bug
Sir Kerry > k ill run 1 more set
Shadow XII > I've petitioned it but no answer
Shadow XII > Plus I already plugged it
Kyrall > thought you already had a full set of +7s?
Shadow XII > Had.
Shadow XII > Had to get podded to clear my bounty
ShadowFox148 > how big was your bounty?
Moochkin > lol what bounty did you have?
Shadow XII > 13m
Moochkin > could have let me kill you :P
Shadow XII > The podding was gonna happen sooner or later :p
Shadow XII > The both times I've been podded I requested it
Kyrall > so you let yourself get podded with a full set of +7 implants to clear a 13m bounty?
Shadow XII > Yep.
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