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Galliana Foresta > y helo thar homos
matrix666 > y heelo
Luciouss > ey
Galliana Foresta > what's shakin?
Luciouss > same 'ole
Ammoh > word up dawg
Galliana Foresta > haha
Galliana Foresta > latest trinity bug.. evading concord with blackops
Ammoh > yeah i saw that
Ammoh > funny shit
Galliana Foresta > Surely they envisaged people using it like that when they designed it.
Galliana Foresta > Make a mod that allows you to cyno out of hisec.. great idea guys! Wait, won't people just kill folks randomly then cyno out? Nahh, that would be haxploits. Nobody would do that. Orly? Yarly. K, it stays then. Yey!
Galliana Foresta > 1 month later...
Galliana Foresta > Hay gaiz, people are using the blackops to kill people in hisec then cyno out. Orly? No wais! Yarly! NERF!
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