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WashuChanUK > o/ azia
Azia Burgi > hey hun
Azia Burgi > virgin broadband was fucking up earlier
WashuChanUK > It was? *is on virgin*
Azia Burgi > might have been the NW exchange or whatever they use
WashuChanUK > Likely that
WashuChanUK > Though Portsmouth South is the most stable exchange they have for some reason..might be to do with the old people in the area XD
Azia Burgi > old people watch a lot of TV though
WashuChanUK > Thats true but they arent straining the system with millions of torrents
Azia Burgi > just millions of repeats of eastenders
WashuChanUK > And emmerdale
Devlin Fox > /emote shudders at the thought of being forced to watch soaps..
Azia Burgi > "...its like a million brain cells all cried out in terror at once..."
Devlin Fox > lol :)
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