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* Susanin ( has joined the channel.
<Susanin> Åñòü êòî æèâîé?
<&Rhaegar|afk> possibly.
<&Rhaegar|afk> whaddya think, Stavros?
<Stavros> hmm
<Stavros> i disagree
<&Rhaegar|afk> interesting
<Susanin> Ýòî áûë îòâåò íà ìîé âîïðîñ...
<&Rhaegar|afk> Ah, good point.
<&Rhaegar|afk> I hadnt thought about it in that way...
<Stavros> yes interesting counter arguement that
<Stavros> hmmm
* &Rhaegar|afk wonders if he should install a cyrillic language pack
<Susanin> Öîé æèâ!
<&Rhaegar|afk> gesundheit
<Susanin> Êàê ñìåíèòü ßçûê?
* Susanin ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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