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Iella Wesirri > so my friend made an alt and she wants to bring it to where i live, airkio
Iella Wesirri > she asked me to link the system cause she couldnt remember how to spell it
Iella Wesirri > so i linked it like this:
Iella Wesirri > <url=showinfo:5//30002544>Airkio</url>
incorr > and?
Iella Wesirri > if she had bothered to check, she would have noticed i actually linked a system 22 jumps away named pator, and then deleted the text and typed in Airkio.
incorr > lol
incorr > i think everyones done that....
Iella Wesirri > she was 23 jumps from pator, in amarr space
Iella Wesirri > shes 5 jumps away from pator now.
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