Khellias> Did I tell you that my corpmates named my Hulk?
Dreadstar Kilron> No..... Do I WANT to know?
Khellias> In honor of the fact that I single-handedly stripped a system completely bare of everything but the Veld and even about half of that over two days, they demanded that I name it after the Tarrasque.
Dreadstar Kilron> LOL
Khellias> Devourer of worlds and all.
Dreadstar Kilron> No..... Do I WANT to know?
Khellias> In honor of the fact that I single-handedly stripped a system completely bare of everything but the Veld and even about half of that over two days, they demanded that I name it after the Tarrasque.
Dreadstar Kilron> LOL
Khellias> Devourer of worlds and all.