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Macil > Tobin.
Macil > You're a homewrecker.
Tobin Shalim > ?
Tobin Shalim > what are you talking about?
Macil > Sara likes you more than me.
Macil > >_<;
Macil > You're destroying my marriage, haha.
Tobin Shalim > don't worry, you're married
Tobin Shalim > and i don't chase after married women
Tobin Shalim > did that once, won't again
Macil > Every time she gets off EVE its "Tobin this" and "Tobin that" heh.
Tobin Shalim > rofl
Tobin Shalim > no worries
iMajus > Haha
Tobin Shalim > unless you're swingers
Macil > *Rubs chin*
Macil > I mean, no, no, of course not.
Anderling > xD
Anderling > How to snag marry women over the internet.
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