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Ryuji Hinomura > Someone actually came into my office and expected me to do some work. Geeez! Some people.
Nagash Windsong > lol, the nerve
Ryuji Hinomura > Indeed so, they really ought to realise that EvE is my job.
Nagash Windsong > lol
Ryuji Hinomura > Guess I shall have to educate them about such things.
Nagash Windsong > I tried that at my job, they wern't impressed.
Nagash Windsong > :)
Ryuji Hinomura > Some people.......really.
Nagash Windsong > hehehe
Ryuji Hinomura > Try to show them the wonders of internet gaming technology and all they can do is frown and sigh and be generally unimpressed.
Ryuji Hinomura > Ungrateful sods.
Nagash Windsong > one guy got mad at me because he thinks videogames are for little kids and are anti-social.
Nagash Windsong > I had to explain the concept of mmorg
Nagash Windsong > weird people the previous generation
Ryuji Hinomura > How previous are you talking?
Nagash Windsong > 40-55
Nagash Windsong > the people who thinking working hard will get you somewhere in life
Ryuji Hinomura > Oh......those fools.
Nagash Windsong > ROFL, yep
Ryuji Hinomura > Wasting your time. Most of them can barely work their mobile phones.
Nagash Windsong > yep the same bunch of people who think 3g is a speed.
Nagash Windsong > for air flight
Ryuji Hinomura > It is if it is an impact velocity. Which is the speed their jaws hit the floor at when they find out the kids are having sex.
Nagash Windsong > rofl
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