Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
* Galazar was kicked by Arion (test ‹16›)
* Galazar has joined #eve-radio
<Arion> oops o.o
<Semajal> awww what was that for
<Galazar> ARION U FAG
<Arion> ment to do semajal XD
<Semajal> you cant kick me arion :D
<Arion> aww
<Arion> i cant
<Arion> =P
<Semajal> although
* Semajal sets mode: +b *!* <- IP arion was using.
<Semajal> now type /hop
<Arion> which i can sidestep
<Arion> =P
* Arion has left #eve-radio
<Semajal> wahay
<Semajal> one down
<Tara> lol
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