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[FLNC]Nooey: can u hear?
[JERIC] Knuck: yep
FLNC-Shar: yup
[JERIC] Knuck: omg where is the killin and the a-k's
[FLNC]Nooey: lol
[JERIC] Knuck: kill kill kill then be all like 'I'm up in yo bitch'
[FLNC]Nooey: : D
[JERIC] Knuck: cause that is the true measure of a man
[FLNC]Nooey: ok thats one track
[FLNC]Nooey: LOL
[JERIC] Knuck: how far 'up in yo bitch' you can be
[JERIC] Knuck: and also the killing, thats important too
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