Wes Antaryll > /emote kicks a tumbleweed.
Ellmar > *Ellmar picks it up, buys out the rest of tumbleweeds and relist at twice the price*
Wayson > /emote lists another lot of tumbleweeds at the original price and laughs at ellmar's tears.
Ellmar > *Ellmar wish he did more tumbleweed research*
Asagi Sandoval > yep, I'm definitely in SCC-Lounge
Ellmar > *Ellmar picks it up, buys out the rest of tumbleweeds and relist at twice the price*
Wayson > /emote lists another lot of tumbleweeds at the original price and laughs at ellmar's tears.
Ellmar > *Ellmar wish he did more tumbleweed research*
Asagi Sandoval > yep, I'm definitely in SCC-Lounge