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* cyberfail blows the dust off his HP deskjet 500
<Aea> cyberfail blows
<Aea> All I needed to hear
<cyberfail> ehhhhh
<Levin> i read that as All I needed to bear
<Levin> and thought of a giant spider made of bears
<cyberfail> o.0
<Levin> bears vs spiders
<Levin> who wins?
<cyberfail> spider of course
<Levin> unless
<cyberfail> if it's a black widow
<Levin> black widows arent even deadly
<Levin> bears fucking kill people
<Levin> you can shoot a bear in the face
<Levin> and all it will do is get more pissed
<cyberfail> Pathetic: bears
<%Pathetic> Bears fucking kill people.
<Levin> see?
<cyberfail> well gues you were right Levin
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