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WashuChanUK > Oh bloody hell..I'm being stalked by my fan boy
Imiarr Timshae > ???
WashuChanUK > Aracna Imahovich
WashuChanUK > If it wasnt for his friendiless I'd pod the boy
Imiarr Timshae > Why's he your fanboy?
WashuChanUK > He follows me to missions by hunting me down with probes, salvages everything, but instead of keeping it..he gives me it..I have to cloak in order to avoid him
Nohren Reiver > what the hell?
Azia Burgi > LOL
Imiarr Timshae > wtf Washu :S
WashuChanUK > He's done it twice in a week now..I dont mind company but he stalks me, he followed me to Dodixie
Azia Burgi > rofl
Nohren Reiver > hahaha
WashuChanUK > I cloaked in the covert ops ship and legged it
Azia Burgi > god that hillarious!
Nohren Reiver > whats the difference to him between you and everyone else?
WashuChanUK > I dont know..
WashuChanUK > He doesnt respond to messages
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