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Kenny Ray > ooooooooh THUNDER! Rolling Thunder!
Kenny Ray > i love it - as long as I don't lose electricity or Internet connectivity
Kenny Ray > my poor cat is afraid of every little noise - thunder is the end of the world to her
Danastarim > poor cat :(
Kenny Ray > yesterday, I was in one room, and my wife was in another. the cat came skulking through the room she was in. I blew my nose in the other room. my wife burst out laughing. she said the cat jumped staight up and flipped around in the air.
Kenny Ray > you would think the poor thing was abused - but she is pampered too much if anything
Tobin Shalim > i've seen it happen with our cat
Tobin Shalim > it's the damndest thing. how do they flip with nothing to push against with which to flip?
Kenny Ray > the tail and the air - they use it like a rudder - so I hear
Kenny Ray > and I'm sure their initial inertia has something to do with it
Rokkit Kween > nah, they twist their spine so that they can see where they're landing and put their front feet down first, then flip their arse.
Kenny Ray > I thought the poor thing was going blind - the way she would move slowly toward something and touch it with her paw... but then she spots the smallest little thing on the wall and jumps for it
Kenny Ray > no doubt she sees the world very differently from me though.
Kenny Ray > I wonder if she sees ghosts, sometimes.
Rokkit Kween > yes, everything is prey
Rokkit Kween > feet, hands, bits of fluff, string, everything
Tobin Shalim > my precious dangling bits :(
Tobin Shalim > oh, i won't even go into THAT story
Rokkit Kween > ouch.
Tobin Shalim > just use your imagination
Tobin Shalim > of course, it was kinda my fault since i was flapping them in her face, but i digress
Azia Burgi > wait... you were teabagging your cat?
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