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* RobSteel has joined #eve-radio
* ChanServ sets mode: +v RobSteel
<RobSteel> Hey Everyone
<Tara> ROB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Tara licks Rob!
<RobSteel> TARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Orkki> rob the graverobber!
* RobSteel licks Tara
<RobSteel> o.O
<Orkki> well u have to make money somehow to keep donating :P
<RobSteel> they never proved that ¬.¬
Black Debbie > hey - what are those red things snipe?
Snipergod87 > probes
Airfish > what do they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????
Snipergod87 > scan
Snipergod87 > and blow up for 10000 damage
Alina Zalo > yea
Airfish > you mean, when they are shot?
Snipergod87 > when i tell them to shoot
Alina Zalo > if you zoom in, it says "Gulable" on the side of the probe
Snipergod87 > haha
Snipergod87 > this is going on omgrawr
Feenixx > any one member how to make the windows dissapear for a screenie?
Feenixx > I forgot how lol
Ticondrius > ctrl-tab?
Ticondrius > yeah
Feenixx > ahh hug
Feenixx > lol
* Ticondrius backs away
Jenna Fear > Stop being gay.
Ticondrius >'re making Jenna jealous.
Jenna Fear > Uh, not the case. I assure you.
<Kryztal> molle molle molle
<Kryztal> shes in
<Molle> i know
<Molle> i let her in
<Molle> ...
<Kryztal> <3<3 :D
<Mozzie> who?
<Molle> ask kryztal, i refuse
<Kryztal> haha
<Kryztal> molles fav cyno char
<Kryztal> Mi Sohorny
XRAY STEVE > Im in a bad position
Karl Zahn > nah, the karma sutra says its a good one for pleasure
Skarien Segovia > What are Interceptors good for?
Rhi Tehn > intercepting
Ethereal Hatebreeder > intercepting lol
Ethereal Hatebreeder > thats a great answer =p
EVE System > Delayed Mode member list management engaged by Jonny Damordred. This channel's member list will henceforth be updated in a delayed fashion, allowing for an unlimited member count.
Jonny Damordred > EVE System > Delayed Mode member list management engaged by Jonny Damordred. This channel's member list will henceforth be updated in a delayed fashion, allowing for an unlimited member count.
Koronakesh > yea, we saw the message, jonny
Demetri Slavic > we saw
Seriphyn Inhonores > ENGAGED
Julius Avitus > Pretty funny... and JonnyD, we'll see that.
Seriphyn Inhonores > lol Jonny
Eric Kirby > We really dont need more than 50 people considering most of them are alts
Jonny Damordred > EVE System > Koronakesh was kicked from the channel by Jonny Damordred. , Effective until 2009.09.13 21:40:22, Reason: "Did you see this too?"
* cyberfail blows the dust off his HP deskjet 500
<Aea> cyberfail blows
<Aea> All I needed to hear
<cyberfail> ehhhhh
<Levin> i read that as All I needed to bear
<Levin> and thought of a giant spider made of bears
<cyberfail> o.0
<Levin> bears vs spiders
<Levin> who wins?
<cyberfail> spider of course
<Levin> unless
<cyberfail> if it's a black widow
<Levin> black widows arent even deadly
<Levin> bears fucking kill people
<Levin> you can shoot a bear in the face
<Levin> and all it will do is get more pissed
<cyberfail> Pathetic: bears
<%Pathetic> Bears fucking kill people.
<Levin> see?
<cyberfail> well gues you were right Levin
aLinix > yo dawg! i heard u liek to report hostiles, so we put a hostile in ur car so u can report while u drive!
jih chop > There once was a man from Nantucket . . .
shacsy > and he was known as jih chop - the king of galaxy?
abdulaz > but then he died
shacsy > the end
jih chop > °o°
shacsy > that was a sad story
abdulaz > I did not mean Jih was about to die
Sirrus Nimrod > JIH!
jih chop > /emote crawls back into bed and cries
abdulaz > :D
abdulaz > Wonderful self confidence
jih chop > Coronated and killinated in the same day :(
abdulaz > Just let it all out
Sirrus Nimrod > /emote pats Jih on the ass
Sirrus Nimrod > /emote means head
abdulaz > sexual harrasment
abdulaz > I saw it!
Apothecary Lina > and i filmed it
abdulaz > And I liked it ;)
shacsy > lol
Solvita > ALright!
Solvita > Everyone up against the wall!
abdulaz > Sex police is here
Solvita > now, which one of you killed jih?
Sirrus Nimrod > /emote drops pants and hits the wal
Sirrus Nimrod > I know how this works!
jih chop > wow, remind me to keep my frozen corps away from you guys
Sirrus Nimrod > I have three
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