Graelyn > Rats...soiled again....
Graelyn > Foiled!
Darius Shakor > heh I thought you were potty trained at your age :p
Verone > damn... must be hard to cope with soiling yourself all the time...
Komisches > lol
Graelyn > It's the age that's the problem, son.
Komisches > ello Alasse o/
Makkar > That scuppers that theory then
Alasse Cuthalion > hey Komi
Graelyn > My colon looks like a can of angry worms.
Makkar > That was an image I really didn't need
Verone > dude, that's fucking sick... lol
Verone > i love it!
Komisches > lol
Komisches > no more like LMAO
Graelyn > (I kid of course, I'm a ripe healthy 25)
Verone > i'm actually concerned that the thought of graelyn's diseased colon amuses me...
Graelyn > Foiled!
Darius Shakor > heh I thought you were potty trained at your age :p
Verone > damn... must be hard to cope with soiling yourself all the time...
Komisches > lol
Graelyn > It's the age that's the problem, son.
Komisches > ello Alasse o/
Makkar > That scuppers that theory then
Alasse Cuthalion > hey Komi
Graelyn > My colon looks like a can of angry worms.
Makkar > That was an image I really didn't need
Verone > dude, that's fucking sick... lol
Verone > i love it!
Komisches > lol
Komisches > no more like LMAO
Graelyn > (I kid of course, I'm a ripe healthy 25)
Verone > i'm actually concerned that the thought of graelyn's diseased colon amuses me...
nillocdirts: hmm so harvies sell good
nillocdirts: but I was worried that someone was underselling me
nillocdirts: so I undercut them by spelling harvester correctly. they spelled it harvestor. hehe. thank god escrow is alphabetized.
nillocdirts: but I was worried that someone was underselling me
nillocdirts: so I undercut them by spelling harvester correctly. they spelled it harvestor. hehe. thank god escrow is alphabetized.
-> Xavi3r has joined eve-chaos
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: Xavi3r may now speak if the room is moderated
Xavi3r > Thanks for the +v
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: Xavi3r may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Runner > heh
Runner > you need to fix the script, the bot doesn't like beign thanked
DeODokktor > it will even devoice you if you say thanks for the +v at any time
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: DeODokktor may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Iorm > lol
Runner > rofl
Iorm high fives DeODokktor _o/ o_
Runner > thats a good feature
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: Xavi3r may now speak if the room is moderated
Xavi3r > Thanks for the +v
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: Xavi3r may no longer speak if the room is moderated
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: DeODokktor may now speak if the room is moderated
DeODokktor > Xavi3r your silly.. you need to stop your script from saying thanks for the +v .. the bot is RUTHLESS..
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: DeODokktor may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Mephysto > LOL
Iorm > oh lord
Term > lol
Arthur > jebus
Iorm rubs his eyes in disbelief
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: Xavi3r may now speak if the room is moderated
Xavi3r > Thanks for the +v
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: Xavi3r may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Runner > heh
Runner > you need to fix the script, the bot doesn't like beign thanked
DeODokktor > it will even devoice you if you say thanks for the +v at any time
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: DeODokktor may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Iorm > lol
Runner > rofl
Iorm high fives DeODokktor _o/ o_
Runner > thats a good feature
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: Xavi3r may now speak if the room is moderated
Xavi3r > Thanks for the +v
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: Xavi3r may no longer speak if the room is moderated
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: DeODokktor may now speak if the room is moderated
DeODokktor > Xavi3r your silly.. you need to stop your script from saying thanks for the +v .. the bot is RUTHLESS..
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: DeODokktor may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Mephysto > LOL
Iorm > oh lord
Term > lol
Arthur > jebus
Iorm rubs his eyes in disbelief
[on the Ushra'Khan]
Seto Mazzarotto > RP-wise they're supposed to be sworn protectors of justice at all costs, yadda yadda yadda
The Cosmopolite > that is the self-image of their characters
The Cosmopolite > you can turn that RP around and say they are elitist, tribalists who are obsessed with honour and tradition to the point of harming the cause they espouse
The Cosmopolite > as seen in the constant: 'I salute Admiral SlaveGnasher, your courage and honour on the field of battle is matched only by our desire to free our peons from slavery and return them to their traditional serf lands... wait...'
Seto Mazzarotto > RP-wise they're supposed to be sworn protectors of justice at all costs, yadda yadda yadda
The Cosmopolite > that is the self-image of their characters
The Cosmopolite > you can turn that RP around and say they are elitist, tribalists who are obsessed with honour and tradition to the point of harming the cause they espouse
The Cosmopolite > as seen in the constant: 'I salute Admiral SlaveGnasher, your courage and honour on the field of battle is matched only by our desire to free our peons from slavery and return them to their traditional serf lands... wait...'
(sinx) molle is sith
(CmdRat) aye
(Reiisha) molle is not sith
(Reiisha) he's the force itself
(kalessin) lies
(CmdRat) heh
(Reiisha) if he asks jump
(Reiisha) we dont ask how high
(Reiisha) we simply jump ^^
(CmdRat) molle is a manefestaion of the force
(CmdRat) lol
(sinx) lol
(CmdRat) aye
(Reiisha) molle is not sith
(Reiisha) he's the force itself
(kalessin) lies
(CmdRat) heh
(Reiisha) if he asks jump
(Reiisha) we dont ask how high
(Reiisha) we simply jump ^^
(CmdRat) molle is a manefestaion of the force
(CmdRat) lol
(sinx) lol
Hakera > well, im still trying to persuade oveur to allow us to claim sovereignty in low sec :) maybe with nwo changes
Moghwai > Hak: try dancing nakid for him, he seems to like that
Hakera > O.o
* Darmed Khan wonders how moghwai would know that
Darmed Khan > is there something you're not telling us? :)
Moghwai > ahh wait, shit...
Sforza > You're a man of many talents moggy
Sforza > None of which I wish to hear any more about
Moghwai > shhh, i have to get somewhere QUICK
Hakera > hopefully with your clothes on :)
Moghwai > :(
Sforza > It'd make a change
Moghwai > guess that will follow me quite a while eh?
Sforza > Oh yes
Hakera > yeah its being omgrawr'd atm
Moghwai > gah :<
Moghwai > Hak: try dancing nakid for him, he seems to like that
Hakera > O.o
* Darmed Khan wonders how moghwai would know that
Darmed Khan > is there something you're not telling us? :)
Moghwai > ahh wait, shit...
Sforza > You're a man of many talents moggy
Sforza > None of which I wish to hear any more about
Moghwai > shhh, i have to get somewhere QUICK
Hakera > hopefully with your clothes on :)
Moghwai > :(
Sforza > It'd make a change
Moghwai > guess that will follow me quite a while eh?
Sforza > Oh yes
Hakera > yeah its being omgrawr'd atm
Moghwai > gah :<
<HellGremlin> We were talking about our dream careers, what we'd want to do for the rest of our lives
<HellGremlin> Me and my hot jew wife that is
<HellGremlin> She says her job, we talk about it, then I say mine
<HellGremlin> "Pirate."
<HellGremlin> "Software?" she asks,
<HellGremlin> "No, high seas"
<HellGremlin> Me and my hot jew wife that is
<HellGremlin> She says her job, we talk about it, then I say mine
<HellGremlin> "Pirate."
<HellGremlin> "Software?" she asks,
<HellGremlin> "No, high seas"
Thaibog > i was haveing a real real bad day today
Thaibog > and i went and sat in my van and thought about eve
Thaibog > and i went and sat in my van and thought about eve
Chucky > my ass hurts
Sky Hunter > rofl
Sky Hunter > anal probed?
Chucky > not since last prostae exam :p
Sky Hunter > that musta hurt
Sky Hunter > rofl
Sky Hunter > anal probed?
Chucky > not since last prostae exam :p
Sky Hunter > that musta hurt
Frank Horrigan > im tired of loot not making any sense
Stavlokar Cerebus > You shouldn't try to have a conversation with your loot
Stavlokar Cerebus > You shouldn't try to have a conversation with your loot