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Cmdr Patrick > man i wish i hadn;t sold my ore bpo
Tas Devil > and uggs being called a nublar coming from you is a pleasure... lol
Silvitni > aye...uggs is the noobs of the noobs in e-r :P
Cartiff > oh well ladz, lets go mine some veld
Cmdr Patrick > i bags hualing!
Elephant > i am mining veld
Tas Devil > I see nonni is still full of a majority of wannabe pirates and 12 year old s enjoying their first erection...
Cartiff > and if your really lucky, I'll let ya mix it up abit with some saucy scordite!
* Cartiff drools out the side of his mouth

EVE System > Channel changed to Stetille Local Channel
EL Bato > im looking for girls that talk dirty!
EL Bato > lol, j/k
Jo ontherun > bacteria
Jo ontherun > ecoli
EL Bato > yes thats it girl
EL Bato > oh yeah
EL Bato > lol
Caleene > lol
EL Bato > is that all u got?
Jo ontherun > mud
darka lightforce > btw, anything from edf?
Adoran > nope
Adoran > although a member of the EDF recently got married at the
EVE gate?!
Adoran > don't know whether to take it seriously or not
Adoran > 0_o
darka lightforce > lol
darka lightforce > well, when there 100s or 1000s in the corp, there
always gonna be nutters
Adoran > lol, can't decide if it swee or not either - maybe they met
in EVE -> rl -> married?! maybe they'll name their kids after EVE
darka lightforce > the naughty one will be called Amamake
Adoran > lol! Socialable one Rens.
darka lightforce > i got some v bad news am afraid
Adoran > ?
darka lightforce > wife has now started playing eve
Adoran > OH GOD!
Adoran > she's gonna move on in and take over Compl
darka lightforce > i know, there goes the bank account !
Adoran > what's her name?
darka lightforce > forgot
Adoran > u need to tell her it's best to Amarrian! Then, any battle u
loose in rl u can win in EVE.
darka lightforce > she seibester :(
Adoran > ah, too late, time to sell her to the amarr
darka lightforce > lol
darka lightforce > did think about hiring mercs
Nova Strikes > anyway hows a Nova sposed to take down three BS i'd like to know
Nova Strikes > maybe two but three :P
Persia > heh
Persia > smash them with your enormous penis! :)
Toshuno Driana > Nice persia
Toshuno Driana > did you pick up one for me? :P
Toshuno Driana > arf :)
Persia > tech 2 :)
* Persia winks and nudges Tosh.
Nova Strikes > lol T2 penis
Bjoir Thorgrin > tech 2 penis??
NeoSphinx > perisa you put on auction that item?
* Nova Strikes lhao*
Nova Strikes > what the T2 penis
Persia > its still not as good as the named ones though
Nova Strikes > sorry sorry im stopping
Persia > Mizuro's modified penis
Bjoir Thorgrin > lol longer range and duration??
Nova Strikes > omg lomao
Persia > rofl
Bjoir Thorgrin > Oh there are named ones, should have known :P
NeoSphinx > lol
NeoSphinx > that's an officer one :P
HAWKEYES > anybody doing any mining
Nova Strikes > no to busy laughing at penis jokes
Bjoir Thorgrin > mining the deepths of bad taste mostly
Shamis Orzoz > carebearing is ok, as long as you are going to put the money toward griefing
Frank Horrigan > amarr ct looks like a dildo..
Frank Horrigan > or a deadly warpon
Frank Horrigan > warpon
Frank Horrigan > warpon
Frank Horrigan > err
Frank Horrigan > brain.. work
LordSlay Them > lol...
Frank Horrigan > weapon
*Princess Jodi makes a snowball to throw at Ishida, but then considers the price of ice and puts it back.
<DigitalCommunist> ok man
<DigitalCommunist> its called a BUG
<Daniel_Jackson> thats from local
<DigitalCommunist> go there
<Daniel_Jackson> i cant fill out bug reports
<DigitalCommunist> why not
<Daniel_Jackson> ii have no idea how
<Daniel_Jackson> they aske me to reproduce it, and im like i cant creat bugs im not a hacker
<DigitalCommunist> you tell them whats wrong, what version of eve you had the bug on, ... christ
Hellspawn01 > DscoutPSA has T2 howitzers and regma T2 rails
fire 59 > r u cloaked and scannin them?
Hellspawn01 > nope
Hellspawn01 > flying past them with slow indy :)
Adjoint > show off :P
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