Browse Control Panel
quote #
<HellGremlin> Man.
<HellGremlin> That guy's the best.
<CommGuru> :D
<HellGremlin> I'm gonna show that article to any girl I snog in case I need to cut and run
<HellGremlin> "Are you sure you want to cuddle, bitch?"
<HellGremlin> "I cuddle with a claw hammer"
<SpaceDrake> That guy looks so awesome in that picture.
<HellGremlin> Yeah.
<HellGremlin> He's a badass.
<CommGuru> I'd rather drink a beer and watch some football
<NTRabbit> my computer doesnt cuddle
<SpaceDrake> "Do YOU want some claw hammer too, bitch?!?!"
<HellGremlin> The cop behind him is better.
<NTRabbit> so i dont have that problem
<HellGremlin> He's got like.
<HellGremlin> Chins.
Kostantin Mort > I'm not pissed! I'm just high on diet coke!
Kostantin Mort > (diet added to avoid confusion)
<TornSoul|BIG> Keep these things secret for now
* Shaady|BIG will be like a tomb
<TornSoul|BIG> No point in starting all kinds of rumors etc.
<Voltaire|BIG> Shaady, you mean your going to nerf BIG?
tamurlane > you blow up rheg?
Rhegor > tam - even worse - had to put the pizza down
Skogen Gump > omg lol
omgh4x > >.<
tamurlane > oh hell. is hte pizza ok?
Coolgamer > so when I right click on this gate I get the option "dock"
Maverick McDougel > its a new patch option
Coolgamer > but no option to jump
Maverick McDougel > click dock and see what happens
Coolgamer > I think it is making sexual advances
Maverick McDougel > yeah, those gate operators are hot stuff
Rep ulser > any 3 au probes there
Ereilian > negative
Bactrian > I think the boss has them all
Rep ulser > in his own hanger?
Bactrian > very likely
Rep ulser > desperate for probes here :(
Rep ulser > such is life
Coolgamer > o_0
Ereilian > LOL
EVE System > Channel changed to Frulegur Local Channel
* fabulousdancingyak flings his poo at Joose
* joose wee's up fabs nose
* Wiggy69 flips joose the bird
Sarmaul > yep definaly getting closer to 0.0
omega2 > i fucked a se dude
Zorlya > you just cant keep your hands off anyone can you
<aeti> t20: the forum needs more smileys :(
<aeti> like a <3 one
<aeti> :(
<[CRC]Jacques_Archambault> heh
<%t20> would you like a t('_'t) one too ?
<aeti> wtf is that supposed to be?
<Rod> i want one that says WTF? with a handheld sign over it's head and looks really really confuzzled
<Rod> would save me lotsa typing
<aeti> yeah the only one thats been added in ages has been the pirate one :(
<%t20> i'll see what i can do
<Rod> nice
<%t20> but the first one i'm putting in is a "signed" one
<aeti> oooh
<@moocifer> cool
<%t20> unparadoxally followed by a "you've just been ISD'd"
Looking at polaris system info

SpaceCleaver > look at the station names
SpaceCleaver > game master laundry outpost :D
SpaceCleaver > GM biomass processing facility :D
SpaceCleaver > GM health spa
SpaceCleaver > i wonder why theres no GM pleasure hub
Space Chutney > I dont pay CCP for them to have a pleasure hub
Space Chutney > I pay them to give me enjoyment...
SpaceCleaver > :)
Space Chutney > /emote just read his own sentence.
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