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quote #
Stevo > We might be pirates but we are dumb
[17:47:29] <Orkki> im waiting for a call still :S
[17:47:39] <Orkki> from the hospital been waiting since 12:00 ingame time
[17:47:56] <Orkki> my father went to surgery to change his knee cap
[17:48:23] <Orkki> havent gotten a word and am very worried
[17:48:28] <Deathbecomesu> BRB
[17:49:34] <Deathbecomesu> back
[17:49:41] <Tara> wb Death
[17:50:09] <Orkki> that just sounds awfull after what i just said =}
<Sphal> lol, I was just on the phone with my girlfriend and my roommate was yelling at someone down the hall
<Sphal> and she asked what it was and I told her it was just smacktalk in local
<Sphal> Signs I play too much eve #278
* Susanin ( has joined the channel.
<Susanin> Åñòü êòî æèâîé?
<&Rhaegar|afk> possibly.
<&Rhaegar|afk> whaddya think, Stavros?
<Stavros> hmm
<Stavros> i disagree
<&Rhaegar|afk> interesting
<Susanin> Ýòî áûë îòâåò íà ìîé âîïðîñ...
<&Rhaegar|afk> Ah, good point.
<&Rhaegar|afk> I hadnt thought about it in that way...
<Stavros> yes interesting counter arguement that
<Stavros> hmmm
* &Rhaegar|afk wonders if he should install a cyrillic language pack
<Susanin> Öîé æèâ!
<&Rhaegar|afk> gesundheit
<Susanin> Êàê ñìåíèòü ßçûê?
* Susanin ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<%DjNeWt> i love chinese
<%DjNeWt> cause i have duck
<Levin> its all horrible for you
<%DjNeWt> and my sister likes me alive
<%DjNeWt> them*
<%DjNeWt> lol
<Levin> ...
<Quantus> duck and peiking (sp)sauce
<Levin> *quoted*
<%DjNeWt> lol
<%DjNeWt> if i ever see that quote
<Quantus> mmm..
<%DjNeWt> i kill you
<%DjNeWt> and ban you
<%DjNeWt> and cut off your balls
<Julebruus> ^^
<Levin> thats a risk im willing to take
<%DjNeWt> anyone seen the avaitor?
<Quantus> nope, dont really want to
<%DJ_EX> i fell aslep for all of it if that counts
<Levin> yes
<Levin> dont go
<Levin> its like 2.5 hrs long
<Levin> and theres about 20 minutes of story
<Levin> plus it just skips the last like 20 years of his life
<%DjNeWt> i thought it was good
<Levin> AND you see leonardo dicaprios ass
<%DjNeWt> yea
<%DjNeWt> that was a highlight
[17:16:42] <Mundungus> 96+0
[17:16:52] <Mundungus> ..00000000000000000
[17:18:25] <Orkki> ?
[17:19:22] <Mundungus> nothing
[17:19:25] <Orkki> ok
[17:19:29] <Mundungus> something was on my keyboard
[17:21:10] <Orkki> ok
[17:21:16] <Orkki> if its alive kill it if its dead eat it!
Mimiru > for sale: AFDT Nude 2005 calenders. 12 isk each. place orders with feroci0us, who is also mrs. april
Lorandello > eeeewwwwwwww
Gretau Ophidius > got that from the "bondage woman", at least that's what we call her
Teela Belwynn > oh you do do you?
Gretau Ophidius > some people sell roses in bars.. but one night a woman came in with a table full of bondage and discipline gear
Rhumble > *raises eyes*
Celeb'loki > lol
Ggrimreaper > different
Rhumble > *remembers not to be surprised*
Gretau Ophidius > she came up behind me and used the paddle on me.. stroke stroke stroke.. SMACK!
Gretau Ophidius > and I said I GOTTA HAVE THAT!
Celeb'loki > lol
Rhumble > but not in public mum :(
Gretau Ophidius > a friend who was with me kept hitting on her, she wasn't interested, but that wasn't stopping him
Gretau Ophidius > so she asked him to buy her a drink.. then handcuffed him to the bar :)
Gretau Ophidius > putting him out of commission for a while
Teela Belwynn > heheh
Gretau Ophidius > she finally let him go when he was about to wet himself
Celeb'loki > rofl
Ggrimreaper > creul but bloody funny
Gretau Ophidius > was a fun night :)
Alania Ishai> yay 27 minutes to surgical 3! :P
* Wild Rho has surgical 5
* Erucyll Turon has surgical 5
* Wolla is not a surgeon.
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