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Metalikk Ma'den > okay is armor of 13164 okay?
* Ju'Co thinks to herself > "That had to suck"
Kale Ryoko > Holy god
Seto Mazzarotto > is it hardened?
Kale Ryoko > That's enough to protect a station D:
Seto Mazzarotto > okay that came out wrong.
Kale Ryoko > And yes, that's my second question, lol.
Ju'Co > ROFL @ Seto
Seto Mazzarotto > is it ERECT?
XMishnovax: O.o. The eve mao said this system was empty. Now I'm stuck in a bubble with Pirates surrounding me and 350mil worth of implants in my head. *shoots Self*
Ryoken > Yeah so guess what?
Jillian > What?
Ryoken > MY girl friend dumped me -_-
Jillian > Awwww im sorry, how come?
Ryoken > Because I say baby to my Apoc more then I say it to her.
Jillian > Your ganna let this game cross over into your life if you dont stop playing it soon
Ryoken > It already has, Now im just waiting to get fired, they don't know I have Eve installed on the server at work.
Jillian > Really?
Ryoken > Yeah, its amazing how nice Eve runs on a Dual Xeon machine with a T1, you would wet yourself
Jillian > uhhhh, how about no
Ryoken > lol, mabey not wet i meant blowyour mind.
Jillian > O gawd
Ryoken > What?
Jillian > Nothing, (men)
<Levin> ¬.¬
<Levin> i have videos that suggest otherwise
<@enn> and pictures, and dvd's, and posters, and VHS
<@enn> and an interactive video game
<Kurenin> I have first hand experience
<Kurenin> and radio recordings
(Dafuzz) Molle is really Darth Vader's father.
(Molle) actually, his sock
< Elsebeth> and yeah, if I was to shoot matari, I'd start from Hamish ;)
< LaFond> can you add that to corp description? :)
< Elsebeth> I don't think so :)
<LaFond> damn
<Kurenin> :O
* DigitalCommunist slaps Kurenin around a bit with a large trout
<DigitalCommunist> Who's your daddy?
<Kurenin> you ;(
* Kurenin bends
<DigitalCommunist> Thats right.
^1man_army ( has parted. «61 people»
^1man_army ( has joined. «62 people»
<^1man_army> i have no idea how i just did that :/
<Tara> 20 minutes will be almost 9 hours
<^1man_army> no
<^1man_army> 20 minutes will be 20 minutes :/
Duke North > any1 status on hed
Random > yahh its mass
Duke North > kk
Duke North > jumpng in
Random > haha aprel fool
Random > its moo
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