Browse Control Panel
quote #
GIJOHN > i finished the training missions but didnt get an implant....
Delver Rootnose > ohh no!
GIJOHN > oh well
Dimitri Chandler > didnt know u were supposed to
Delver Rootnose > I never did
Delver Rootnose > maybe something new?
Dimitri Chandler > think i got a basic expanded cargo hold when i did them back in the day
Dimitri Chandler > i was chuffed
<@neb|drunk> - #4 No public or private channels that trade in warez or sexually related content
< Coaster> okay, okay :P
< Coaster> I get the point
< Coaster> albeit, this channel breaks the latter rule on a daily basis...... :P
* Kurenin|out anally rapes neb|drunk
<@neb|drunk> ouch :/
< Kurenin|out> :(
<@HellGremlin> Silly. Everyone knows Auroras have no rectums.
< Kurenin|out> oh?
* neb|drunk hugs his JD
<@HellGremlin> Yeah, their diet is comprised mostly of whiskey, which evaporates, and fairy dust which is magical and
therefore does not need to be excreted.
< Daakkon> shit comes out of their mouth
< Daakkon> ^_^
-!- Daakkon was kicked from #eve-online by neb|drunk [faggit]
-!- Daakkon [Daakkon@84262B32.9AF8FCF9.4E5AEF48.IP] has joined #eve-online
<@HellGremlin> The polite term is "events"
Hoozin > you okay Soldur? you seem a little confused
Soldur > sry man had to much tonight
Hoozin > rofl
Soldur > alredy lost 1 sphi
Hoozin > I was just wondering if you were gonna shoot so I could watch the ensuing CONCORDOKKEN
Soldur > wat u doin out here
Hoozin > now? I'm just sitting around for the conversation
Soldur > i mean in a shuttle
Hoozin > omw to go get different ship
Soldur > well u can stay and watch fix kill me
Soldur > if they come by
* Hoozin points to Soldur, "And remember kids, this is why drugs are bad mmkay?"
Soldur > lol
Hoozin > have fun Soldur
Iynara Maeral > Yeah you big civire get off before my hair gets bent.
Seto Mazzarotto > heheheh.
* Seto Mazzarotto gets off
* Seto Mazzarotto stands up, rather. Damned innuendo.
conchita > 2005.05.13 03:02:24 combat Your 1400mm Howitzer Artillery I perfectly strikes Minmatar Control Tower [WLD], wrecking for 1613.4 damage.
kezz2411 > 2005.05.13 03:02:41 combat Your 1400mm Howitzer Artillery I perfectly strikes Minmatar Control Tower [WLD], wrecking for 1472.1 damage.
Drakma > 2005.05.13 03:02:13 combat Your Tachyon Beam Laser I barely scraches Minmatar Control Tower [WLD], causing 603.5 damage.
Sebesria > 2005.05.13 02:47:45 combat Your Bane Torpedo I hits Minmatar Control Tower [WLD], doing 517.5 damage.
Sebesria > hehe
TheKiller8 > 2005.05.13 03:02:34 combat Your Modulated Strip Miner II perfectly strikes Minmatar Control Tower [WLD], wrecking for 18572.5 Veldspar
TheKiller8 > sorry im ex-xetic
Omatje > hhe
Cacciatore > LOL
Lansfear > L<OL!
Sebesria > NICE
<Radica> might get some Red vs Blue action
<Radica> or maybe i'll put random objects int the microwave and see what happens
<moocifer> start with your head
<Viceroy> I second that
MrShooter > how do I repackage a corpse?
DrunkenOne > 2005.05.17 18:52:51 notify Training of the skill Banging Siim's Mom to lvl 5 has been completed.
DrunkenOne > Finally
siim > :(
Li Atta > (can't type and drink.. sorry)
Rackk > ^^
Octo > mm drink
Li Atta > mmmm indeed
Octo > putting ideas in my head
Gr0n0s > dont put ideres in octo,s head plz
Li Atta > uh-oh sorry
Octo > its ok they dont stay there long
Li Atta > lol
Oman Ramma > lol
[DigitalCommunist] Ok, stupid question probably, but are mining crystals supposed to degrade and stop working?
[DigitalCommunist] Or all crystals for that matter
[Hammerhead] just mining crystals
[Hammerhead] and maybe the ultra violent faction crystals
[Hammerhead] but you've never looted those yet
[Redundancy] wait...
[Redundancy] DC just asked a question about mining?
[Hammerhead] hahaha
[DigitalCommunist] :|
ยป Redundancy adds a tick next to one of the signs of the coming apocalypse
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