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quote #
Fasturian Icildentirf > I think this is the one that they were mentioning earlier. It goes to null sec.
Grimlaid Xadi > hence my intest in the hole
Kale Eledar > you want to dock your mammoth in the hole eh
Grimlaid Xadi > giggdy?
Tsann [prax]: That terrible feeling when you see 0 ships in your hangar, doublecheck you're in Homesystem, doublecheck you're on the ships tab.
Tsann [prax]: A spiraling instant of WTF
Tsann [prax]: And then you realize you have an errant ' ' in your filter.
Tradik: so another thing australia has over america
Tradik: to add to our aetheist PM, and our openly gay ministor for economics
Tradik: a senator who in a committed relationship to an openly transgender person
Blazier: as if millions of americans suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced, I fear something terrible has happened
Synthetic Cultist > Lady Gaga is simply LARPing Gallente
Kesper North: !jita innocence
Exploit: Your search for innocence yielded no result. Did you mean: science
Kesper North: YES.
Tristan Acoma[prax] (dg): Fun fact: Small babies are delivered by stork, but larger babies need a crane.
Terra Cirrus > i totally want a bob ross fro to store all of my stuff in
Terra Cirrus > jamming your entire life in a wallet is just no good
Hobo Magic > im gonna name my titan bob ross
Terra Cirrus > and here we are going to paint a happy little jumpbridge, its our secret jumpbridge of joy
Hobo Magic > going to need a little titanium hawhite to deal with these frigates
Hobo Magic > this happy little frigate, hes lonely
Hobo Magic > lets kill all his friends juuuuuuust like so
Hobo Magic > happy little doomsday
Terra Cirrus > and we are going to use the oldschool doomsday weapon to paint a stream of shipwrecks across the terrain. and on that terrain, ill use noctis blue and paint a happy boat that drifts ever so gently through that happy stream of wrecks
Terra Cirrus > and the amarrian titan "bob ross" will have his fro as the designated ship maintenance bay/fighter launch bay
Murella Furo > erebobross?
Lucius Britannia > What happens in a Sansha Prison Camp stays in a Sansha Prison camp
Ryan Rs [srne]: you are not man enough to camp IPAY in a dread
Ryan Rs [srne]: (prove me wrong)
Imperium Romanus [pxin] (dg): oh no you just didnt!
Imperium Romanus [pxin] (dg): :D
***Imperium Romanus [pxin] (dg) prepares stront
***Razesdark[airk] prepares popcorn
***Tristan Acoma[prax] (dg) prepares salvager II
Telsiah > Im here, Im ready, Im able, Im willing, Im hot and Im horny so lets do it!
Telsiah > First of all I want to see you dress up in a white sailor outfit and pole dance in a sexually provocative and suggestive manner and then get down on your hands and knees with your tounge hanging out asking for it like a dog! ;p
Telsiah > Use this song please:
Bounty Hunter Kaahael > did you get dumped or something?
Ibeau Renoir > I think it's an attempt at trolling pious Amarrians by outraging them with frank discussion of sex
Ibeau Renoir > she was dumped.
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