omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Pedro Sangre> CVA, with the strength of rattan
Pedro Sangre> Set forth on their masterful plan
Pedro Sangre> Amarr victor, you maggots!
Pedro Sangre> Though roleplaying faggots,
Pedro Sangre> At least we are not Ushra'khan
<&Asestorian> you can only romance companions of the opposite gender
<&Entity> that's gay :(
R'n'D Monkey > yet more tragedy today in the world of music. Justin beiber was found alive and well in his flat.
Mortas > step 1: buy Rokh
Mortas > step 2: equip with mining lasers and upgrades
Mortas > step 3: ....
Mortas > step 4: get banned by Oveur going 'OMGWTFBBQ CAREBEAR' o/
<Atomic_Atty> and those guns on the jag lol
<Atomic_Atty> looks like ... lava cannons or someething ;op
<SFX-Bladerunner> hehe
<SFX-Bladerunner> what you say? Lazers? no thanks, HERE, HAVE SOME LAVA
<Atomic_Atty> i'm in your volcanoz, stealing your ammoz
<Magnawulf> -_-
Antok > whats the best implants to get
Reb Velderin > what
El Mole > uh
Reb Velderin > you were trying to well me that for 30mill
El Mole > it depends on what you are training
Trina Tron > there is no "best"
Wottan MaeTeiff > charisma for sure
Itanis > d cup
Trina Tron > but there is a "worst"
El Mole > charisma is the worst ok
Trina Tron > and its the social one
Wottan MaeTeiff > without charisma, people wont listen to you and you will never have sex
Khellias> It seems to me that submitting yourself to omgrawr is a lot like jerking off to a photo of yourself jerking off.
Khellias> That is: creepy, pathetic, and just a bit disturbing.
<Salvis> wow
<lisa> yea :)
<lisa> i hope he plugs #eve-dev
<Salvis> me 2
<Salvis> would b cool
<AeolusWind> I hope he plugs me
<AeolusWind> um
<AeolusWind> that sounded a bit akward
Saphire Taz > oh well......afk for a sex
Saphire Taz > er sec
PingKiller > have a quick one :P
Devilish Ledoux > that's the dumbest idea I've heard all day
Devilish Ledoux > and I have two kids
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