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<Oveur> Well, some of you might remember that EVE is supposed to be a tactical/strategic combat game, not a twitch based game, so the damageoutput is getting far too high atm
<Oveur> My personal opinion is a flat incrase to all hitpoints to begin with, but there are a myriad of corners to look into there
<Oveur> But in general terms apart from that drastic measure is, defensive modules will be getting far better relative bonus than for exampledamage affecting modules
<Oveur> also, passive modules getting a considerable boost in the upcoming patch, where plates and extenders really start to matter
<Oveur> but the reason for the insane damage is simply the myriad of ways to increase the damage
<Oveur> some are stacking nerfed, others not
response: #213
It doesnt matter how much HP u give a ship, if it can't repair it fast enough, then whats the point in it having it all? Damage should be reduced a hell of alot, its like beta now, fit ure ship with as many guns, damage mods, tracking and sensor boosters as u can..
response: #214
Its ok as it is now..... I was attacked by an ishkur today, and althought it warp scrambled, webbed, and jammed my enyo it couldnt kill me, like EVER

In the end he gave up and warped off. increasing defence and decreasing dmg would mean things like that happening more and more
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