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<Oveur> A number of reasons for this outlet. It's based on that each month, one of each of the tech 2 techs is put on auction with a very high minimum bid
<Oveur> With this, the market should over the long term regulate itself by itself determining if this high minimum - or in many cases, the bidding war - is worth spending the ISK on
<Oveur> Since you would assume that someone with enough capital and market speculation see long term profits in doing so
<Oveur It's not something we've decided to do, but since some of the tech 2 markets obviously seem to be undersupplied, we think this could help with reaching equilibrium>
<Oveur> Or at the very least sink out a lot of ISK from those that want to maintain their current competitive edge :)
<Oveur> However, we're far more keen on overhauling the whole Research and Development area of the game and the In Development section is a good example of that
<Oveur> Providing the players with means to do active research, get limited rewards (limited-run bpc's) in exchange for various items gathered through mini-professions, complexes, agent running, reverse engineering etc.
<Oveur> And of course something as cool as scientific vessels used for researching specific technology in their environments, right Viceroy? ;)
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