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<Hammerhead> we're ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS watching the overall balance of the game
<Hammerhead> so it's likely that the missile changes could be tweaked in the future
<Oveur> we think in many cases missiles are better after the changes when you have the skills trained and start using the right missiles against the right target
<Hammerhead> what I'd personally like to see are some examples from players were they think there is an imbalance
<Oveur> Heavy missiles being mentioned a lot for example
<sir_tuxford> I'm already looking at heavy missiles damage
<Hammerhead> like "omg DOT of caracal sucks vs omen" with some actual numbers
<Oveur> well, I would have said "omgwtf ... "
<Oveur> but thats just me
<sir_tuxford> the system was needed though and it makes balancing missiles a lot easier
<Oveur> In general it was good, but there is lots of room for improvement
<Oveur> yeah, and we're now looking into specific cases with "X vs Y the DOT is Z etc."
<Hammerhead> we wanted this change in for at least a year since the turret changes came in
<Hammerhead> um
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