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<xmasteR> Is there hope for ingame avatar envoirement for you customers who are in need for social envoirement with their fellow players? (EnB)

<@omgbbqove> Short version is no. Long version is, it would be a totally new game so I don't think we would even consider it until 2013
<@omgbbqove> Solaris also touched on this at the fan fest
<@omgbbqove> it's really a questio of, what would we do there?
<@omgbbqove> And he pretty much simplified it to it's essence. Why have people in stations if you can't kill them there?
<@omgbbqove> So this leads us to ok, we need to have Doom in stations
<@omgbbqove> Well, would that be enough? Maybe, but most would like something to do there. Some roleplaying aspect, exploration etc.
<@omgbbqove> So then we're up to Neverwinter Nights in stations
<@omgbbqove> well, I think you see my point, hence like ... 2013 if we ever do it :D
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